Tuesday, December 29, 2009

A New Year, A New Me

I have decided on a New Years resolution. I love New Years, and New Years resolutions. I love the idea of a clean start. I like new things, wiping away the old. I love the idea that the old is gone and the new is come. I put a lot of thought into my resolutions every year. I average about four days for keeping a resolution. I have resolved to quit smoking, quit cussing, quit gossiping, and, of course, lose weight. I have quit smoking, (on my 40th birthday, not New Years) I cuss less, I love gossiping, but don't indulge as much as I like, and I am no where near my ideal weight. When I told my husband I wanted to blog about my New Years resolution, he asked why I would want to put it out there publicly. When I told my 19 year old what my resolution was he laughed. Not a little chuckle, but a full on bust out, belly laugh. He found my resolution far too vague. It's nice to know the two most important men in my life have so much faith in me.
So what is this resolution that my husband and son find so amusing? The resolution that they are sure I can't keep? I resolve to not complain, for a year. I realize that it is going to take a change in how I think. I have been told by many different people, over many years, that I tend to be negative. I don't want to be negative anymore. I complain about my health and how busy I am. The truth is, I am thrilled that I have two part-time jobs that I love. Most of my health issues are due to my weight, therefore, my fault. There is nothing to complain about if I am not willing to do what needs to be done to make myself healthy. I will have to find a different way of speaking. In order to do that, I need to find a different way of thinking. I am hoping to use this blog to keep myself accountable. Wish me luck.

Monday, December 28, 2009

I've missed you

I loved writing this blog. I loved shouting into the wind. I loved sharing my life with the anonymous and not so anonymous masses. I miss it very much.
I have been writing for Neighbors Newspaper and more recently Taste of Temecula. I have been working on two young adult novels, and four actual young adults. I have been trying, along with my husband, to get a family that strayed from who we know we are, back on track. On top of everything, I discovered Facebook. In all of that, blogging simply fell off the plate. I would like to make room for it again.
There are mommy-bloggers out there infinitely more talented and funny than I am. I am going to keep blogging anyway. I know a lot of us are aspiring writers, and it always inspires me to know how other women are managing writing, working and raising a family. Please, if you have discovered this blog, or rediscovered it, please let me know. I am more likely to keep at it if I think I am letting people down by not writing.