I am "micro-blogging" on Facebook, and writing for a living. I am, as you can tell, not blogging. Since I was last here, I began working for farmers as the marketing director for a small CSA. CSA stands for Consumer Supported Agriculture. I love feeling like I am doing something good. God is speaking to me about how a Christian should act, and I am searching that out in the word. I am curious and excited about what God will be doing in my life, and my families life in the second half of the year.
I am also trying to win a set of books for the summer as part of a contest called Covenant of Love
Those of you who know me are no doubt thinking that the last thing I need is more books. Just the same, I would like to win them.
I found the contest when I discovered a very interesting sounding book called "Imaginary Jesus". It led to this great blog, and contest. I am always happy to see what others are talking about.