Thursday, July 26, 2007

Interesting couple of days. It was my last night at work last night. (I work at a wine bar)I told my boss I was quitting, and gave her a month's notice. She said

"I have to talk to my husband about it." I never heard another word about it. I went into work last night, and a bunch of my friends came in to see me off. Near the end of the night, Stalina, (my boss), and her husband came in. They opened a bottle of champagne and a great! Shiraz. We then headed over to an Irish pub, where we kept drinking. I think someone put formaldehyde in my wine, because I got so sick. I think it was 7th or 8th glass that someone tampered with, because that was when I felt really sick. We came home and I snuck up stairs and made it to the toilet in the nick of time. I'll tell you what though, my commitment to vanity is absolute. I could not even stand up straight, but I washed and moisturized before bed. It was like a compulsion. I couldn't not do. I was so spinny that sleep was out of the question. Around 3am I couldn't fight it anymore and drifted off. Unfortunately, no-one told my xx4 that mommy was out tying on on last night, so she was in my room at 7:30am. Every sound she made sent daggers through my skull. I very, Very reluctantly got up and fixed her cereal. Greedy, Selfish child. After I fixed her breakfast, I had my breakfast. Coffee and 5 Motrin. After about an hour I came upstairs, intending to nap, but xx13 caught me and made me watch "The Descent", because nothing comforts a gut wrenching hangover like cave dwelling cannibals! Another greedy selfish child. Good movie though. It's xx13 and my second foreign horror movie in a week. We watched Night Watch from Russia a couple of days ago. I think the next time I have a hangover though, I'll just have chorizo burrito.

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