Friday, August 24, 2007

Back to School

And so...It is my 13th year of first days of school. XY16 is starting his senior year of high school, and XX4 is starting her first year of pre-school. Yeah, planning ahead was never my strong point. So I take XY10 to his first day, because I didn't find out ahead of time who his teacher was. I have had a child in elementary school for thirteen years. At first I was one of the younger mothers, unsure of myself, and insecure in my role, as a 25 year old mother of a kindergartner. I thought there was some value to what people thought of me. I tried to fit in with the other mothers, and was mortified that I couldn't be one of the classroom helpers because I had a little one at home. I didn't have a sensible haircut, and I didn't have sensible shoes. I did not have my sea legs as a housewife yet. I tried to make friends with the right women. Ooohh, it irks me to think of it now. Yuck! What a different experience it was this year. As I looked at the PTA moms with the sensible haircuts and the comfortable shoes, I thought, "Thank God". Thank God I now know who I am. Thank God I appreciate the mother I am. Thank God I have latched on to my own value system, realized it works for me, and been faithful to it. I know that there are mothers who think if I am not volunteering to be the class mom, the team mom, the driver for every field trip, that I must not be a very involved mom. They are soooo wrong. I am very close to my kids, but my relationship with them is up for neither display, nor judgement. Damn! It feels great to say that!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! I am only on year 7 of 1st days of school - only 15 years to go! I admit I still get sucked into the mother vs. mother judgement vortex occasionally. I think I judge myself more than other mothers actually judging me. I learned that neither is better. I am just a different mother - sometimes a very different mother, but not necessarily better or worse. It is nice when you get to a place where you are finally comfortable in your own skin. I get there but I don't always stay there. Good for you that you have arrived to stay.

On a side note: final decision - no job. Happy about it.