(I actually wrote this on New Years Eve, but naps, sick husbands and iffy internet connection kept me from posting until today.)
I cannot believe I am spending the second New Years of my life sick in bed. The New Years Party got cancelled, because of my kids getting sick, not me, and then I woke up this morning with a little sore throat. By 9am I have a full blown migraine. Two Motrin and three Excedrin later, I get in bed. I think I will do some writing, but holding my head up hurts. So does light, and noise. I fell asleep and bitchslapped Paris Hilton, so at least that wasn't a total loss. I was sure when I woke up I would be fine. I was wrong. I could actually hear my eyes opening. They creaked like the head of that giant statue Clash of the Titans. I finally got out of bed around 5:30 and washed my face and brushed my teeth. I thought I was fine to go downstairs and spend a quiet evening with my family. Oh.....that's right.....five year olds don't care how much pain they cause you when they talk, they will keep talking. And ten year olds? They take it personally if you keep saying "Quiet voice, please!" Roser made my Nana's sauce, with his own spin on it, (Oregano and meat) and it was delicious. Unfortunately, my family doesn't know the first thing about being quiet. To be fair, they've never had to. I am not given to migraines, or even regular headaches. When I do get a headache, I take some Motrin and it's gone. This totally sucks! Why am I being punished for wanting to have a New Years Eve party?
1 comment:
Happy Valentine's Day...you are missed!
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