Sunday, February 24, 2008

I have been crazy busy. I know, I know, cry me a river right? So, I love my pastor. Not in a "Days of Our Lives" kind of way. I have been so wah-wah, poor me lately. We went to church today, and I was none to kindly reminded that there are people in this world that have real problems. Our pastor really doesn't pull any punches as to the obligation of Christians to live a certain way.
I also love my husband. We have been watching CMT (country music videos) after dinner. I think we are both so worn down from having to get the house on the market, an actual TV show seems like to much effort. Anyway, we were watching a video with this totally hot woman coming out of a swimming pool. I took the opportunity to feel bad about myself, and my weight, and grey hairs. Roser was staring very intently at the TV and then he turned to me and said, "Did you see that outdoor kitchen? That was amazing!" Yep, I love him. XY17 is no longer unbearable, his condition has been upgraded to annoying.

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