My dear friend, Prettyface commented recently that she feels like she is in the beginning scenes of a 1970's disaster film. You know the ones where the characters are going about their business in sunny kitchens, with a small TV playing in the background. You can just here the newscaster reporting on things like, honeybees disappearing, and coyotes becoming more aggressive, shark attacks, and 30,000+ people dying in natural disasters in a three week period. Little stuff like that. When she first mentioned it, Myanmar and China had not yet happened. I hate anything that has to do with end-times theology. I get angry when people say that the end is coming. We don't know! We can't know. The symbols and clues in the Bible are there so we will recognize the time after the fact, not before. But still, I'm kind of freaking out here. I think about the time in the '60's when the Kennedys, and Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X were assassinated. There was Viet Nam, and Kent State. I guess people were freaking out then too.
I am not down-playing your angst because at times I feel it too...but then I remember that every generation has thought it was in the end times. Jesus' disciples thought they were in the midst of the end times. It will eventually come, and your right we won't know when. The best we can do is make sure we are right with God and teach our children what they need to know. What else can we do?
burrnaise said... pray, read... repeat.
And love until you are so full you feel like you could explode!
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