XY11 spent the night at a friends house and they came to my house for breakfast. I was busy, (in other words awake) so I did the lazy mom homemade breakfast. Frozen whole grain waffles, fried eggs and cut fruit. I asked the child, we'll call him, ummm... Rickets, how many eggs he would like. "One," he replied. I was mildly surprised since XY11 would gladly put away a dozen fried eggs at one sitting, but okay. I then asked which fruit he would like. Cut up cantaloupe? Grapes? Plums, nectarines? No, nope, no thanks. I asked him what fruit he does like. None. Oh, then you must eat vegetables instead. No, nuh-uh, only corn and potatoes. Huh! And your mom lets you not eat fruits and vegetables? Yeah, she doesn't care. Wow! Not my place to judge, or make the kid feel like a freak, so I let it go. As the boys were finishing breakfast, I noticed "Rickets" poking the outer edges of the egg with his fork like one might poke a jellyfish that washed up on the shore. "Is it over cooked?" I asked. "No, I've never eaten an egg before, and I don't know how to." "You mean you've only eaten scrambled eggs?" "No, I've never eaten any eggs." My resolve to not make the kid feel like a freak was waning. I knew if asked more questions he would be self conscious. But, seriously! Oh my goodness! No fruit, no vegetables, no eggs. There's not much left. His entire diet must be comprised of either neon artificial colors, or goldeny-beige. Yikes. I am so grateful for my whole grain, fruit and vegetable eating children. I also don't feel as bad about the monthly Kool-aid purchase.
Not that a chocolate bar wouldn't win the internal battle, but my weee one would RATHER eat fruits and vegetables. Thank God! She definitely has better eating habits than I do. I say...Bring on the Nachos! Hence the extra lbs. I'm forever complaining about!
I'm left wondering what your child ate at Rickets house...a smorgasborg of Hot Pockets?
It is incomprehensible to me that a child would never in their lifetime have eaten an egg! There is just something fundamentally wrong with that. Unfortunatly, I know too many kids like this who never eat anything that isn't processed or fast food. Sad...
Oh Great, I didn't think about what XY11 ate at Rickets house. Better not to think about it.
burrnaise said...hey, are you relieved of your "mom-guilt" yet?
Sounds like this one's timing was right on.
Just watched Wall-E tonite...you'll relate to the food thing -and where society is going in the future when you see it. :)
love y'all
Rickets! Hysterical. I love it! That reminded me of how my mother used to tell us if we didn't eat our fruit we would get scurvy. Patrick and I still joke about that.
"What, do you want scurvy?"
"Are we pirates, Mom?"
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