My sister, the one I drove to rehab, is now staying with me. I am trying to remember why I thought it was a good idea. Oh yeah, living with my father would drive anyone to do drugs.
My commitment to get out and do things with the kids has not been fulfilled yet. I have family drama, real estate drama, and an unusually heavy workload this month. Still, I am taking tomorrow off to take the kids to the beach. Even though I hate the beach, even though I just received another assignment, even though it will cost me 50 dollars in gas, and even though I run the risk of an embittered super-hero throwing me far into the ocean because he mistakes me for a beached whale. Can you tell how excited I am? I don't actually hate the beach, it's just a lot of work for not much pay-off. I'm also not a big fan of sandy crevices, if you know what I mean.
My writers group is going well. I am so proud of my writers and their commitment to writing, and coming to share their thoughts on the other members writings. My book club is one of the things allowing me to hold on to my sanity. Having that to look forward to once a month is wonderful. It's also a good thing this month, because Rebecca may well be the only book I read this month!
Haha! I love the beach! Mostly because it makes my kids so happy and I don't really have to do much.
I Love, love, love, love, love the beach! I'm in for next week if anyone else is interested!
burrnaise said....I love going to the beach WITH Burpykitty. We always find the most interesting things on the sand. :)
Isn't extended family swell? So glad to be back home after 10 days with my own. You can't live with 'em, you can't live without 'em!
Hey! What happened? Haven't posted in so long..Hope you are Ok
Helllooo!! Sweet Serene Summer? In case you haven't noticed, we are now well into Fall. Are you ever posting again? or should I just stop checking?
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