Ok, done. I turned 40. The Earth did not slip off its axis. After lunch with Burpykitty, I went of by myself to do something I am too ashamed to do with others around. Unfortunately, by its very nature, what I wanted to do needs to be done in public, in a very specific place, in a very specific way.
I slipped off to my destination. I walked through the tall doors, and paused for a moment, breathing deeply. I did not linger though; I had to walk around the inner circumference to be sure no one I knew was there. It was not where I was that was embarrassing, it was what I was there to do.
Barnes and Noble was clear of anyone familiar. I quickly, but surreptitiously, headed to the diet, nutrition and self-help section. About halfway down, in the fitness section, is the fashion section. Nina Garcia and Rachel Zoe, "How not to Look Old" next to "What not to Wear". I grabbed a stack of books about six high, and slunk over to the Starbucks Cafe inside the bookstore. I spent the next two hours hunched over brightly illustrated books, and allowed myself to be yelled at by women who weigh as much as I did my sophomore year of high school.
It was heaven.
Busted!! You can't tell on yourself silly.
Happy Birthday
May the Lord bless you with more special days throughout your life. You are beautiful and wonderful. God Bless You
OMG! Stop! You're killing me! I'm older than all of you! Your happy right? Your husband and children adore you (as we all do)! What more could you ask? Go spend a little on a push up bra and a pair of "skinny" jeans (whatever the hell those are) and you'll feel much better! We're all with ya sista! Just yesterday I finally let go of those size 3 jeans that I will absolutely NEVER take out of the closet to actually put on my body. That is, unless I split a seam, leave them unbuttoned and wear a really big sweater!!!!
Love you!
Hey Bethany,
I'm so glad to see you back!!!!
I'm waiting anxiously for 40 this year. I always felt my thirties was some kind of second teen period...not quite the young thing anymore, but not quite ready to take myself that seriously.
Love you mucho,you old lady!!!!
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