I have three, no, really, four novels that I have started writing. I have not added one word to any of them since before Thanksgiving. I don't know which one to commit to finishing. Sigh. It hangs over my head whenever I do anything. I always think I should be writing. I could concentrate on freelance stuff, (magazine articles and marketing materials) but then I think I will never finish a novel. The other consideration is my commitment to pleasing God. That does not necessarily mean Christian themed books, just not offensive to God. I don't care about offending people. Here they are in the order I started writing them.
1) A young boy(14) with an overbearing mother who uses religion as an excuse for all sorts of bad behavior like not cleaning the house, because she is praying on the phone with people, or being mean to her husband because he isn't a Christian. She is extremely judgemental and legalistic. When the boy starts falling for the neighbor girl, it causes big problems.
2) A girl (16) living in the worst part of downtown Las Vegas, with her ex-prostitute dying of alcoholism mother, deals with life by being extremely tough and isolated. She meets a big, slightly goofy guy, who is a truly good guy, and who truly loves her. He waits patiently as she experiences what she has to in order to realize she loves him.
3) Girl (13) discovers she is from a long line of people with magical powers. They are a secret group of people, and she deals with her responsibility concerning this discovery.
I am leaving out the fourth plot line because it just isn't going to happen right now.
On another note.
My Best Friend is in Georgia. This is nice for my best friend, yummy Southern food, new adventures, a house with views for days, not so nice for me. When she lived in Las Vegas, I could hop in a car and be at her door in four hours flat. I didn't do it all the time, but I could have. Now I can't. I didn't expect it to be a big deal, but it is. I miss her terribly.
My vote is for the Las Vegas girl story line...now get to work!
(Was that yelling enough for you? That's as good as it gets online!)
About your friend in Georgia...I'm sure she misses you too.
Believe me, I know from experience.
Hugs from the South,
I vote for story number 1 because I think the theme fits (in a loosy-goosey sort of way) with what you are trying to accomplish in your life right now. You can't write about a bad white-washed-tomb kind of Christian without thinking about your own behavior. I am NOT saying you have bad behavior, we can always improve though. (I have a good story about that by the way, I'll have to share it with you later) About your friend, it is so hard when that happens! I always thought I would be okay too and every time (3 times now) it hurts and I miss them terribly. Thankfully, we have e-mails and blogs and cell phones and many other direct-connect ways to stay in touch. It's Prettyface, isn't it? I know she misses you too.
The only way you are sure to offend God is if you don't use the talents He has blessed you with. This reminds me of the time my brother's friend tried to tell me that Goodfellas was an immoral movie. No, it was a movie with characters who did immoral things, it was not an immoral movie! Okay, sorry, my blood is boiling all over again. Now, get to work! No excuses. God will be pleased!
I believe, that you are not right.
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