Whew! The kids are back in school. Another opportunity for me to make a completely different set of resolutions.
1. I will use my Crock-Pot more often.
2. I will sit at the table with my kids while they do their homework.
3. They will always have clean uniforms and socks. The socks will be folded in their drawers, not in the "sock basket" in my room.
4. I will expect more of my kids around the house.
I am very happy with some of the changes I have made this year. I am up before the kids, instead of at the same time as them. They get a hot breakfast more often than not. And, umm, let's see, actually, that's pretty much it.
I enjoy the rhythm of having school age children. It forces the day into a schedule. The days and weeks matter. I have an endless supply of rotating, seasonal artwork for my cupboard door. I am energized by being around my 15 year old's friends. Also, I listen to much better music than I would without my kids.
1 comment:
It's a resolution of mine to get up and have at least one cup o' joe in me when the kids get up. At least then, maybe I can respond to them with more than a grumble (Kidding...sort of).
We also have resolved (before the 1st) to be dressed for school even when we are not going out anywhere. It's so easy to get into a habit of "doing school" in your jammies when you homeschool.
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