Thursday, June 03, 2010

To My Amazing Inlaws

June 3, 2010

Dear Nonnie and Poppie,

I am writing this letter to express my gratitude for what you have done, and who you have been to me.

It is impossible, on Steve’s birthday, not to think of you both. You contributed so much more than DNA to my husband.


From you he received a kind heart, loyal to family above all. You passed on your tenderness, sweetness, and humility. From you, Steve learned how fragile and precious a child’s heart is; that it must be protected, nurtured, and guarded. He learned the importance of hugs, kisses, and saying “I love you.” He learned that the people you love will make mistakes, and you must forgive them. You taught him that God is his Creator, and that God is Love. You taught Steve respect and reverence for God, and love for Jesus. Because of this, he carefully weighs his decisions, and lives like there is something more than just this life.

Steve has always felt loved by you. He has always known that you think he is amazing man. Because of your belief in him, he is always striving to be the man you see when you look at him.


You taught my husband how to be a man, never a boy, (except sometimes for his sense of humor, in that, Steve is about 12 years old!) Steve takes responsibility for his family, his career, and his life. He never makes excuses, and he never accepts less than “110%” from himself. He expects less of others and more of himself. He is fiercely protective of the kids and me. He is brave, dedicated, and selfless, just like you. I knew, years ago, that if Steve turned out like you I would be a very lucky woman, and that my children would be lucky too. Well, he is more like you every day. Sweet, funny, occasionally stubborn, but truly the best husband and father any family could ask for.

The two of you together created a home and a family that was a safe and loving place for my husband to grow up in. You taught him the importance of hospitality and generosity. You raised, with your patience, approval, and occasional disapproval, a man that I pray my sons become like. You have given me more than I ever hoped for when you raised Steve the way you did. I have a husband who is kind, loyal, appreciative, and loving, just like his parents.

Today, on Steve’s birthday, I thank you both, from the bottom of my heart. I hope that I can do half as good of a job with your grandkids as you have done. This letter barely expresses how I feel about you both. To truly say how I feel would take pages and pages.

I love you,

Your Daughter,


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