Monday, July 18, 2011

A Question and an Answer

When I was a child in a Catholic Church and school, there was a part of our liturgy that piqued my curiosity. The congregation said to the Lord,
“Just say the word and I shall be healed.”
I wanted to know what the word was. I pondered it for weeks. Father White came to our classroom for his weekly visit, to teach us the finer points of Catholicism. He was a joyful man whose faith set him apart in a church full of grumpy nuns and musty priests.
As he always did at the end of his puppet presentation, he asked if there were any questions.
I was ready. I asked him what the word was that the Lord said to heal us. Father White looked at me for a long time from behind his square glasses. Finally he said,
“Love. Love is the word that Jesus says to heals us.”
At eight years old I had no idea of the deeper truth of what Father White had said to me. My curiosity was satisfied, and I felt a bit smug about knowing the secret word.
Today, many, many years later I understand. God’s love for me heals me. God’s love for humanity sent Jesus to the cross. God’s love for me calls me to Himself, where all wholeness and healing is. And, perhaps most importantly, God’s love for me compels me to love others, and to heal relationships.
Truly, the Word is Love.
There was another time when I needed to know, not the answer, but the question.
My beloved aunt had a stained glass window on the restroom leading out to the pool. It was beautiful with reds and greens, and it said, “Love is the answer”
Of course, I had to know the question. What was the question that was asked that was so important, my aunt had the answer set in a window.
So I asked her. I got more wisdom that it has taken me a lifetime to appreciate.
“Auntie, your window says ‘Love is the answer’, what is the question?
My aunt looked down at me and said,
“Sweetie, love is the answer to every question.”
I walked away dissatisfied, feeling as though she wanted to keep the true question a secret.
And now I know, she told the truth. Love is the answer to every question. The answer to every hurt, every pain, every sin, every offense is love; patient, kind, tender, forgiving Love.
Love is the answer.

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