Sunday, November 25, 2007

Busy Day, Peaceful Night

I am taking a break from sewing. I got too hungry to go on. I would have loved a turkey sandwich, but, well you know.... Anyway, XX5 was coughing soo much this morning, and I didn't want to leave her here to go to church, so we all stayed home. XX5 is doing a lot better now, and she has a friend over. XX13 has a friend over, my dad is here, and my 16 year old sister. You Know, just a typical peaceful Sunday afternoon at home with the family.

Last night, after working my poor fingers to the bone, I was looking forward to some TV time with Roser. I just had to wait until the game was over. By the time the game was over, Roser was asleep, at the late hour of 8:30. XY17 was at a bonfire at a friends house, and XX13 was at the mall, (her mothership). XY10 is sort of a loner, and likes to watch TV up in the bonus room. He had been outside playing and skateboarding for hours. I assumed that was what he would do, and I looked forward to a night with a cheesy or horror or foreign film. XY10 surprised me by not leaving the family room. I hinted a little, but he wasn't going anywhere. He knew I wanted to watch a movie so he offered to play a computer game with his back to the TV. I wound up watching re-runs of Twilight Zone and House so he could watch TV with me. He didn't exactly snuggle up to me, but he did share blankets with me. It was nice, because he has always been Such! a Daddy's Boy, that any affection he shows me, I am grateful for.It was not the night I looked forward to in any way, but it was a very nice evening.

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