Deadlines and sick kids. I have an elephant sitting on my chest and a python wrapped around my head. When I am lucky, they are not both there at once. And so... here is a list of things I am grateful for
- My faith in my Creator. With out the grace of Jesus I would not get out of bed in the morning.
- My children have never been hungry.
- I have a job I love.
- My husband is a source strength, not a sapper of strength.
- None of my kids are in big trouble.
- The kids and Steve and I talk to each other.
- Books.
- My friends.
There is much more, of course. But since I was up late with a restless XX5 last night, I can't think of anything else. What are you grateful for?
I am reading 'The Witch of Cologne'. Per Burpykitty's request, (pronouncement) I will be reading 'The Birth House' next. What are you reading? Should I read it?
Burpykitty said... I am reading "Middlesex"...not loving it, but not hating it either. It just isn't grabbing me. I am also reading "The Well-Trained Mind" (Bearnaise knows all about this one - funny how things come back around isn't it?) Now there is a book that will make you feel stupid and inadaquate as a parent!
This seems to be a recurring question, so I thought I would answer this time.
1) God, chose me to be His child. I am always awed that I was chosen to live in America at this time in history. My soul could have been placed anywhere and yet here I am in the most free and affluent country on the planet.
2) I have an amazing marriage. It has been a long hard road to get here - but it has totally been worth it. I understand now why God chose him especially for me.
3) I have a nice home and food on the table. I am paying my bills. (Well, G is anyway)
4) I have healthy, usually happy, smart, respectful and well-behaved children most of the time.
5) I am healthy and so is my husband and all of my family and extended family. Things are good right now.
6) I have good friends who care about me.
7) I have an amazing library of books to read and a Book Club to meet with and talk about the books we are reading.
8) Summer is coming!
There are so many more: the flowers blooming in my yard, the sun is out today, the pool is warm, the honeysuckle is blooming on the side of my house and fills the house with amazing fragrance, I saw bees on my orange trees, my animals are healthy, my truck is running, my dishes are done, I am somewhat caught up with laundry, I get to go to Monterrey in 2 weeks with my husband, there will be sea otters in the kelp beds there...
I haven't read your blog for a long time-sorry. But I just got caught up and I MISS YOU. You are such an awesome, loving, funny, caring, yada yada yada woman. I am reading "Molokai" so will hopefully make book club once again.
Burrnaise said...I am reading "Do Hard Things" by Alex and Brett Harris. As a former homeschooler, I have great respect for this family. The book is intended for teens, is an easy read, and contains alot of meat to knaw on.
I am thankful for so many things. I echo alot of the same sentiments as you guys.Thank God through whom all blessings flow!
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