As you know, I have been a little stressed out lately. I started thinking yesterday about things that make me happy. I have always been able to extract joy from the mundane. I consider it one of God's gifts to me in exchange for some of the lousy cards I was dealt.
Here are some things that made me happy recently.
- Making quesadillas for XY1y and his two friends who dropped him off after school.
- XX11 letting me hug him for a long time in front of XX17's friends
- Going to the nursery to buy herbs, strawberry plants, tomato plants, peppers and spinach.
- Making a delicious dressing for salad with only four ingredients.
- My box of produce from the CSA
- The long hug I got from XX13 when she got home from school yesterday.
- Getting to go up to my room after the kids got home from school and hang out while Roser made dinner. (This made me really! happy.)
There are also things that make me happy in general. Cooking. Tucking XX5 in bed. Going in to kiss XY11 after he has gone to bed, and turning his radio down or off. Waking up and falling asleep next to my most favorite person in the whole wide world. I have many things in my life that still make me happy. I am still feeling a little weighed down by the world, but I know it is temporary.
What makes you happy?
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