I started writing again today. It's soooooo hard. Whine, whine, whine. I lost my original notebook for this story. But I sorted everything I have written so far into sections, and broken the sections in to scenes. I also opened a GMail account to back up my files, on Unnamed Cousin's advice.I did not add any actual words though. I am at a little over 18,000 words and 63 pages. I need about 75,000 to 150,000 for a completed project. Here is where you come in. I have to write about 3 hours a day, three days a week. Theoretically I have Monday, although Steve is home on Monday, and he is just a big, cute distraction. I also have Tuesday and Friday, although Steve is home on a lot of Fridays too. Please check this blog. I will be posting number of words written. I am depending on you, my wonderful group of Type A friends to hold me accountable. My blog will be a little boring for a while, but it is for a greater good.
Thanks everyone!
nose to the gridstone, baby!
Get out of the house when cute hubby is there so that you can get your work done! chop. chop.
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