Monday, November 03, 2008

Hello.....Does anyone still care?

Hello all.

We moved.

My kid stopped screwing his life up and gave his heart to The Lord.

I have been in a fugue state. I am so eager to get back to my life. I am almost there.

I had a panic attack at the dentist, and had to reschedule. No really, I did. Even though I rescheduled, my jaw still hurts.

We are having shepherd pie for dinner to use up some leftover mashed potatoes.

I really think that is enough excitement for one posting. If you think you can handle the excitement, check back soon.


Anonymous said...

Woohoo!!! So glad!

Burpykitty said...

Of course we still care - why else would we keep checking back? or straight up giving you a hard time. Love you. Glad your back online.

Anonymous said...

Yea, Bethany is back!!! Life is good again.