So...Blogging every day. Whose idea was that anyway? I am feeling very guilty for telling XY11 he can't go to the skate park for two hours with no adult supervision. What is wrong with me that I feel guilty? I don't actually feel guilty for saying no to that; I feel guilty for saying I would take him and be there and then having to cancel. I didn't realize when I said we could go that spring break starts next week. I would have put it off anyway, instead of having to cancel for work.
XX13 wants to go to Disneyland with two of her friends. That's all. Just three thirteen year old girls at Disneyland. Yeah, and when Hell freezes over they can all go ice-skating there too! What in my psychotic over-protective parenting style made her think I would say yes.
Roser is taking XY11 to see their favorite baseball team's spring training. XX13 and I will be watching chick flicks and horror movies. There will also be pancakes and bacon for dinner. I'm predicting a good weekend. I am sure there will be a cartoon to make XX5 happy too.
I know blogging everyday must be a pain in the ass, but just know how happy it makes me to know I can stalk your site every day and always find something new. January was a tough month for you fans.
Burpykitty said...At least you didn't say you would blog at a certain time everyday - that would be a real pain. I will sign up with a real account again I promise...tomorrow.
Also, what is up with the cover picture on your Frankenstein? It does not represent!
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