If there is ever a time during the month when it will be difficult to post everyday, it will be between now and the 20th. My deadline for turning my monthly articles is the 20th, and no matter h
ow hard I try, I can never seem to get interviews done and information culled before the 17th. Tomorrow I have two interviews. I will then be writing non-stop until Thursday, except for a break Tuesday night for something I planned without thinking. Which is, of course, unusual for me because I usually consider things so carefully. (Insert rueful chuckle.) Roser came home from his trip with XY11. He was a sight for sore eyes, as was the hair lollipop. They got many autographs from ball players. I know you are all dying to know how Roser reacted to the piercing. Not telling. At least not now.

I am currently reading Cane River. It is a little too soon after Gone With the Wind to read a Southern book that includes the Civil War Period, but I have gone to far to stop now. I'm sure most of you know how that goes. What are you reading?
Burpykitty is reading Whistling in the Dark. I have Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil in the queue.
I am sort of reading "The Areas of my Expertise" by John Hodgman. I say sort of, because it is not a novel and I find myself skipping around. It's very funny, but I have no attention span lately. I also need to wrap up "Assasination Vacation." Need a new novel.
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