Sung to the tune of "I want to know what love is," by Foreigner.
I have interviewed two restaurant owners, (married) and two married organic farmers in the past two days. Tomorrow at 8:30am, which is when I should be drinking my second cup of coffee, I will instead be interviewing another organic farmer. I blew off writing the articles I am working on today because my brother and sister-in-law were unexpectedly in town for a couple of days. We decided to go look at model home Roser and I are interested in and then go to lunch.They brought my crazy cracked out stepmother with them from Sin City. That's always fun. My brother and his wife were bickering nonstop. That was fun too. XX5's shoes overnight became too small, so she complained loudly and often about her pinkie toe getting squished. Still more fun. After lunch I ate an almond croissant just to put myself out of my misery.
I will be reading Unless for book club. That will not be miserable. I will be writing non-stop from 11am tomorrow until 11pm tomorrow evening to get my stuff in on time. I see another almond croissant in my future.
Burpykitty said... Bored? Is there really such a thing? My kids talk about it but I haven't experienced it...
Don't worry, you'll get your stuff done with or without an almond croissant. You are one of those people who thrive under pressure!
Burr-naise said...I want an almond croissant!
I think I remember boredom. It got replaced by too much to do-dom/overwhelmdom/messy housedom sometime around child #3.
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