I am trying to blog every day for the month of March, so some entries may seem a little random.
I was in Costco with XY11 and XX5. I needed dish detergent, so of course I spent 240 dollars, because that is a reasonable financial penalty for running out of dish detergent, right? Any way the whole Costco buffet was going on, and the kids were snacking accordingly. There was a Yoplait Yogurt sample kiosk. I'm sure that's because there are dozens of people who have never tasted Yoplait. Anyway, XX5 looked for the "white" kind because it doesn't have chunks of fruit in it. She got strawberry instead.
"Mommy, there's things in it!" she said showing me her little paper cup of yogurt.
"Yes, Baby, there are little bits of strawberry in it," I confirmed.
"Will you please eat them all for me?" It didn't even occur to me to think of this as an unreasonable request. As a matter of fact I just did it. Not because I was in the mood for little slimy pieces of pale strawberry chunks, but because she was not. As a matter of fact, I missed one. She pulled it out with the little plastic spoon, and I sucked the offending piece of fruit from the surrounding yogurt. That's it. Princessa didn't want the strawberry bits. So of course Mommy ate them.
I used to love it when I had dignity. That was cool.
Expanded, this would be a great sample for your column package! Get to work!
Burpykitty said...I don't know, I think eating slimy, yogurt covered fruit bits is pretty dignified. Wiping your toddlers nose on the bottom of your t-shirt or picking up your baby's pacifier off the scummy Costco floor and licking it "clean" it are both far less dignified than yogurt covered fruit bits. I see where you are coming from though.
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