Friday, April 25, 2008


Deadlines and sick kids. I have an elephant sitting on my chest and a python wrapped around my head. When I am lucky, they are not both there at once. And so... here is a list of things I am grateful for

  1. My faith in my Creator. With out the grace of Jesus I would not get out of bed in the morning.

  2. My children have never been hungry.

  3. I have a job I love.

  4. My husband is a source strength, not a sapper of strength.

  5. None of my kids are in big trouble.

  6. The kids and Steve and I talk to each other.

  7. Books.

  8. My friends.

There is much more, of course. But since I was up late with a restless XX5 last night, I can't think of anything else. What are you grateful for?

I am reading 'The Witch of Cologne'. Per Burpykitty's request, (pronouncement) I will be reading 'The Birth House' next. What are you reading? Should I read it?

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Today is someone's Birthday

Today is someones Birthday. Someone I have known for...about 12 years. The first time I met her, she was vulnerable. She was going through one of the worst times in her life. It was not representative of who she was at all. We loosely shared a group of friends over the next several years, and would be in the same place or events occasionally. She has the kind of looks that make you assume things about her. Between her beauty and her air of confidence, she seems as though she doesn't need anybody. When I found out, at a Princess House Party, that she reads so much she occasionally offends people, I was shocked. She didn't 'look' like a reader. I know, who does? Even after this revelation, it was another five years before we forged a friendship, independent of those around us. Not surprisingly, it started over a book club. I found out that I had access to a treasure, all that time, and I didn't know it.

She is still beautiful, so much more so now, because of the strength that I know lies within her. She is quietly observant, withholding her opinion until she's ready. She is steadfast, committed to doing the right thing, committed to knowing what the right thing is. Her standards are high, but she is forgiving. She smile easily, laughs easily, and cries sometimes. She has been easy to be friends with. Not many people are. Most people object to my close relationship with my husband, and my children. She is too busy with the close relationships in her own life to be affected by mine. She has been at once, a relief and a joy. The best part about her is her ever-changing, ever-striving nature. She will not be the same friend a year from now. She will have grown, and learned new things. I am lucky to know her.

Happy Birthday BurpyKitty

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Things that Make Me Happy

As you know, I have been a little stressed out lately. I started thinking yesterday about things that make me happy. I have always been able to extract joy from the mundane. I consider it one of God's gifts to me in exchange for some of the lousy cards I was dealt.

Here are some things that made me happy recently.

  • Making quesadillas for XY1y and his two friends who dropped him off after school.

  • XX11 letting me hug him for a long time in front of XX17's friends

  • Going to the nursery to buy herbs, strawberry plants, tomato plants, peppers and spinach.

  • Making a delicious dressing for salad with only four ingredients.

  • My box of produce from the CSA

  • The long hug I got from XX13 when she got home from school yesterday.

  • Getting to go up to my room after the kids got home from school and hang out while Roser made dinner. (This made me really! happy.)

There are also things that make me happy in general. Cooking. Tucking XX5 in bed. Going in to kiss XY11 after he has gone to bed, and turning his radio down or off. Waking up and falling asleep next to my most favorite person in the whole wide world. I have many things in my life that still make me happy. I am still feeling a little weighed down by the world, but I know it is temporary.

What makes you happy?

Sunday, April 06, 2008

My Eeyore Moment

I am reading Body Double by Tess Gerritsen. I am taking a break from literature in favor of escapism.

This has been a sucky Spring. Not just for me, for many people I know and love. Loved ones are dying, marriages are difficult, and children are going astray. Add in that most of us are working twice as hard for half as much money, I would say that Spring of 2008 rivals Fall of 2001 for highest concentration of lousy shit happening in a compressed amount of time. On the plus side, a very beautiful baby was born this Spring. Hope is alive.

With the many things going on, and difficulties, I feel my life being distilled. I want to figure out what is really important and focus on that. Problem is, I am not sure about what that is. I know the obvious, family, faith, health, but what does that really mean? Why do I buy organic vegetables and smoke? How do I balance my love for my husband, and my desire to spend time alone with him with my love for my children and their desire to spend time with me? Am I doing the right thing to prepare them for a life as Christians. Don't even get me started about education. Let's just say, I will not putting an order in for XY17's graduation cake too far ahead of time! After some thought, I will be putting a map in XX13's room. What do you, especially those of you who know me, but even those who don't, what do you think is important?

Saturday, April 05, 2008

Just Checking In

I've been away awhile, I know. I don't have a good excuse, so I won't try. I am not feeling chipper, or clever, just letting you know I am alive. I am reading "I Am Legend" by Richard Matheson. Not surprisingly, it is better than the movie. Roser's mistress is back in town in the form of the San Diego Padres. I will be lonely and pining for his affections. Maybe I will spend more time on my blog.