Monday, January 04, 2010

School year part 2

Whew! The kids are back in school. Another opportunity for me to make a completely different set of resolutions.
1. I will use my Crock-Pot more often.
2. I will sit at the table with my kids while they do their homework.
3. They will always have clean uniforms and socks. The socks will be folded in their drawers, not in the "sock basket" in my room.
4. I will expect more of my kids around the house.
I am very happy with some of the changes I have made this year. I am up before the kids, instead of at the same time as them. They get a hot breakfast more often than not. And, umm, let's see, actually, that's pretty much it.
I enjoy the rhythm of having school age children. It forces the day into a schedule. The days and weeks matter. I have an endless supply of rotating, seasonal artwork for my cupboard door. I am energized by being around my 15 year old's friends. Also, I listen to much better music than I would without my kids.

Friday, January 01, 2010

Then and Now

I am watching Fame with Katie, the original, not the new, "High School Musical 4" one. It is a little rough, but I love it. Irene Cara just sang "Out Here on my Own". When I first saw this movie, back when I was about 12 or 13, that song meant so much to me. I loved the idea of being tough, of depending on someone else being a choice, not a given. Now that I am 41, I think taking pride in being strong is definitely for young women. I am not strong. I am completely dependent on the people around me. I can't even find the appeal of that song anymore, except for Irene Cara's amazing voice. I was tough, when I was a single mom, when I was trying to be a mom to young children. I was tough when I was trying to work out my relationship with extended family. I was tough when I was trying to figure out what was important in friendships, and coming to terms with my career. I don't care anymore about being tough. At the same time, I want my daughters to be tough. Just not too tough, and not for too long. I hope when they are 41, that tears spring easily to their eyes. I hope they can ask for help, and that they can depend on their husbands, but before that, I hope they are, at least a little tough.

Here's to doing things differently

New Year's Day is here. As you may know, my New Year's resolution is to stop complaining. I won't cheat and complain in this blog. I won't find creative ways to tell you things, "just stating facts" but really, complaining. I am an inveterate complainer. I am going to change the way I think. I have a feeling I am going to be a little Pollyanna. The only way I know, right now, to change the way I communicate, is to look on the bright side. My other option is to not talk (or write) about things at all. Consistency is not one of my strong points, so making it a year will be an incredible victory.