Sharing my struggles, and occasional victories, as I try to live a life that reflects my Savior
Saturday, December 27, 2008

Thursday, November 20, 2008
A great afternoon

Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Caught between two worlds...

Wednesday, November 12, 2008
The Countdown Begins

Monday, November 10, 2008
One hundred dollars.....

Friday, November 07, 2008
How did this happen?

In 1983, my freshman year of high school, I had a hard-core punk-rocker in my biology class. I can't imagine what he saw in me, with my tortoise shell glasses, bad haircut, and hand me down clothes, but he began to indoctrinate into the world of punk music and rebellion. I felt like I found my place in the world. I had already been wearing hand-me-downs for years, as my adoptive mother felt that school clothes were an unnecessary expenditure, so it was a small leap to go from ugly accidentally to ugly on purpose. I got contacts and cut my hair into a mohawk. Being rejected by society somehow made me feel accepted. I had a spine of steel when it came to being myself, and expressing my self creatively. I eschewed social status at school, never went to a single school dance, and sneered at cheerleaders.
Fast-forward, 25 years. I have a 14 year old daughter. She is tall, slender and beautiful. She is also a cheerleader. My years of muttering about how anti-woman it is to stand on the sideline, cheering for the boys, have fallen on deaf ears. She has also been nominated for freshman homecoming princess. Not in a "Carrie-let's dump-pig-blood-on-her" way, but, a "she's-sweet-and-pretty" way.
How did this happen?
And why am I so proud of her?
Thursday, November 06, 2008
In the eye of the beholder

Monday, November 03, 2008
Hello.....Does anyone still care?

Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Sweet Serene Summer

My sister, the one I drove to rehab, is now staying with me. I am trying to remember why I thought it was a good idea. Oh yeah, living with my father would drive anyone to do drugs.
Sunday, July 06, 2008

Sigh... I need a new extended family.

Friday, June 27, 2008
What's left to eat?

Wednesday, June 25, 2008
XY17 has a girlfriend, pretty much for the first time. I really like her. She is very sweet, smart and cute. I am always pushing XX17 to have friends over. He spends more time at his friends homes then they spend here. I really just want kids over here so I can feed them. It's a sickness. I need help. I know.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Day three of Summer Vacation

Monday, June 16, 2008

Friday, May 30, 2008
"May you live in interesting times"
XY11 is starting the pre-season football stuff; meeting the coaches, getting equipment, and stuff like that. Watching a group of 21 10 and 11 year olds throw together an impromptu football game while the coach talks to parents, makes you feel like not that much has changed. Eleven year old boys still have too much energy. They still have bruised shins and scraped elbows. They still get freckles across their noses in the summertime, and they still like being tucked in, even if they would rather be tortured than admit it to their friends. XY11's childhood is slipping away quickly. More quickly than his 17 year old brother's did. I wish I could preserve his innocence and youth, but I can't.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Sunday, May 11, 2008
Mothers Day

Tuesday, May 06, 2008
Of Books and Women

What TV has come to..

Friday, April 25, 2008

- My faith in my Creator. With out the grace of Jesus I would not get out of bed in the morning.
- My children have never been hungry.
- I have a job I love.
- My husband is a source strength, not a sapper of strength.
- None of my kids are in big trouble.
- The kids and Steve and I talk to each other.
- Books.
- My friends.
There is much more, of course. But since I was up late with a restless XX5 last night, I can't think of anything else. What are you grateful for?
I am reading 'The Witch of Cologne'. Per Burpykitty's request, (pronouncement) I will be reading 'The Birth House' next. What are you reading? Should I read it?
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Today is someone's Birthday

Tuesday, April 08, 2008
Things that Make Me Happy

- Making quesadillas for XY1y and his two friends who dropped him off after school.
- XX11 letting me hug him for a long time in front of XX17's friends
- Going to the nursery to buy herbs, strawberry plants, tomato plants, peppers and spinach.
- Making a delicious dressing for salad with only four ingredients.
- My box of produce from the CSA
- The long hug I got from XX13 when she got home from school yesterday.
- Getting to go up to my room after the kids got home from school and hang out while Roser made dinner. (This made me really! happy.)
There are also things that make me happy in general. Cooking. Tucking XX5 in bed. Going in to kiss XY11 after he has gone to bed, and turning his radio down or off. Waking up and falling asleep next to my most favorite person in the whole wide world. I have many things in my life that still make me happy. I am still feeling a little weighed down by the world, but I know it is temporary.
What makes you happy?
Sunday, April 06, 2008
My Eeyore Moment

Saturday, April 05, 2008
Just Checking In
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Which one is for you?

Saturday, March 22, 2008
I am at the library finishing up some work. I have been working non-stop since Thursday, between editing and my own articles. I finished up and was sitting here with earphones plugged into my laptop so I could listen to my i-pod songs while I rejoice in being done. While I was sitting here a girl of about 11 came and sat in the same section as me. She is awkward, with long dark hair pulled back in a messy pony tail. She is dressed in nothing my own little princess (sarcastic) would wear. Worn shorts, baggy t-shirt, bunny ears, (for Easter I'm sure.) She is too tall for her age, with feathered eyebrows over wideset eyes. She is buried, nose first in a graphic novel. She has a look that is equidistant between defiance and apology. I know that look well. I wore it for years before defiance took over. Defiance was my answer to being rejected; by parents who would rather be dead than be with me, who would rather drink themselves unconscious, anything but be with me, hear me; rejection from peers. Most, not all, found my vocabulary off putting, my swift mood swings, my preference for the printed page to a living breathing companion unbearable. Defiance served me well for a while, until I found the One who would never reject me. My Savior and Creator led me to others, my husband, his family, dear friends. I sit here writing this, comfortable, happy, confident. I look again at this little girl, on the brink of growing up. I see the beauty hidden by the soft childishness of her facial contours. I can tell by the way she carries herself she has no idea she will, one day soon, be beautiful. I want to place my hand on her head and say, "It's okay, everything will be fine." I want to talk to her as though she were me, almost 30 years ago. I want to tell her, "You will beloved some day by the people that matter most." I want to tell her, "Keep reading, it will save your life." I want to tell her, "You matter." She's not me, but she could be. It is hard for me to see someone that reminds me of myself at that time of my life. I like myself so much now. I hate to be reminded of a time when I did not.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
I Wanna Know What Bored Is....

Monday, March 17, 2008

Sunday, March 16, 2008
A Break From Drama

Running with the Bad Moms

Saturday, March 15, 2008

JM, who has been my friend for 14 years was speechless when she saw XX13 and our pierced noses. I thought we would have to get the smelling salts. It was not pleasant. She got over it quickly though.
Friday, March 14, 2008
See that puff of Smoke Floating By? That was my Parent Card

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Wednesday, March 12, 2008
The Hair Lollipops

Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Boy! Isn't this fun?!

Monday, March 10, 2008
Vegtables vs. Shoes

Sunday, March 09, 2008
XY17 wants to be a teacher. That also makes me very proud. There is nothing that could make me prouder. XX13 says she wants to be a stay-at-home mother. Again, so proud! It stands to reason that XX5 will be a girl in a bar with tequila in holsters mixing shots in peoples mouths. Not that there's anything wrong with those girls, but still...
Saturday, March 08, 2008

Friday, March 07, 2008
Are you tired too?

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Tuesday, March 04, 2008
Just Call me Pancho Villa

Open Letter to My Husband
I met you almost exactly 17 years ago. I was working in a sleazy bar and you and your best friend came in after a wedding. I tried to work you for tips but failed. You asked me for my phone number, just like five or six guys a night did. For reasons I still don’t understand, I broke precedent and gave it to you. Before I did, I told you my flaws as I saw them. I was not nearly as attractive out of the dim lights of the bar; I wore glasses when I didn’t have my contacts in; and I had a seven month old son. You didn’t care, you still called. I tried to keep you separate from my beautiful mixed race son. When you picked me up for a date, he was already at the sitter’s. One day, after we had been dating for about three weeks, you showed up unexpectedly at my apartment. When I realized it was you at the door, I said out loud, “Oh no!” You later told me you thought I had another guy in there. You were sort of right. My little man was there. You met him before I would have introduced you. He worked his calm wide-eyed charm on you. Over the next year, you fell in love with us simultaneously. The feeling was mutual. We married. The charming baby turned into a mouthy four year old. You approached fatherhood from a logical angle whenever you could, emotional when you couldn’t fight it anymore. You have always understood that true love is always accompanied by action. You coached DB’s baseball teams. You took him camping. You rolled your eyes over my head, so he knew you thought I was crazy too. It has always been obvious that there is more than meets the eye with DB. He is half black, and you and I are both white. When people meet the two of you together, they assume you are his father, and I am his step-mother. No one can tell by your behavior that you are not his father. He can’t even tell, even though he knows. He told me once, about four years ago that he was so grateful he didn’t have a step-father. He forgets that there is any other man but you responsible for his existence. He is right. You are the man responsible for everything he is. He stands like you, argues like you, laughs like you. I could never have taught him how to be a man. I taught him to learn about the world by reading. I taught him to have compassion, to have empathy. You taught him the importance of ambition. You taught him when to walk away and when to stand and fight. You taught him that a man appreciates the females in his life. He got his dark skin and curly hair, wound into messy dreadlocks from someone else. He got everything that matters from you.